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Minutes from 2nd Committee Meeting 31 May 2003




Participants: Christian Stillmark, Dwight Johnson, Jackie, Jimmy Smith, Sunil Sistla, Darren Burns.



1)      Sponsorship

2)      Finances

3)      Matches and events

4)      Subscriptions

5)      Clothing for the club


1)      Sponsorship The committee is pleased to report that the club is now officially sponsored by My Other Place. A non exclusive contract has been signed with MOP who have also paid us a sum of NT$ 20,000 towards sponsorship for a year. With these funds, we are  very well placed financially and provided for as far as procurement of regular cricketing supplies are concerned. The benefits offered by MOP to the members are also extended to their spouses and girlfriends. This was negotiated with them at the time of the meeting with them, and everyone will have MOP VIP cards issued. Please inform the committee of the names of your spouses and girlfriends so that cards can also be made out for them. As a gesture of goodwill and also as a promotional exercise for the club, 10 club hats will be given to MOP , including 2 personalised hats for Ms. Ma Li and Ms. Pauline.



2)      Finances : The bills have been coming in , for the club kit , mat and other start up expenses. However, with the adroit management of the sponsorship, and members coming forward with their subscriptions, the personal resources contributed by the skipper have been reimbursed, and we have money in the bank. Below is a synopsis of the financial report as presented to the committee by the Treasurer Jackie Johnson, and verified.



Balance as on 30/May/2003             : NT$ 37,656

Addl Subscriptions recvd                 : NT$ 7,000

Sponsorship                                      : NT$ 20,000

TOTAL                                             : NT$ 64,656




Kit and Mat                                                      : NT$ 23,956

Deposit for Hats                                               : NT$ 2,000

Weekend match food and refreshments          : NT$ 3,980

Projected expenses                                           : NT$ 15,960

(for hats and embroidery on team shirts)

TOTAL                                                            : NT$ 45,896


BALANCE AS ON 01/June/2003                  : NT$ 18,760.00


3)      Competitive Matches : There are some proposals for regular competitive games in Taipei as well as a tour to Kaoshiung. The tour to Kaoshiung will most probably be one day of cricket, on a Saturday, leaving Sunday open for plans. The details are being worked out with the KCCC and will shortly be finalized.

Also being discussed is a series of 3-5 competitive games against another club, in the nature of a one day series. Considering the success of the first double wicket game we had, allowing everyone to participate, there will be more games of this nature, including competition from other Taiwan cricket clubs as well. Should be a lot of good cricket for us all.

As the premier cricket club in Taiwan, the longer term goal of a regular cricket league is something which we should take the lead and work on. It involves a lot of organization, and at this stage, it is premature to venture an estimation on when it might come about. However, it is an initiative aimed at furthering cricket in Taiwan and is definitely high on the agenda.


4)      Subscriptions : It has been extremely heartening to have members come forward with the subscription dues. This is much appreciated, and justly it has been decided that only subscription paying members will be considered for selections. Associate members ( cricketers who are not yet full members) are encouraged to participate in club activities, and to join the club as full members by paying their subscriptions. They will appreciate that full members will have first preference. 


5)       Clothing for the club Team shirts are on the way and will feature embroidered logos of FCC, the Walking Man, and MOP ( on the sleeve). Most of us have seen the extremely smart team cap, and these will be ready very shortly.


6)      Next social event This week promises to be an interesting one with plans for a Beach Cricket day on the Wednesday holiday. The details will be sent out on the group email. With the kind of excellent weather we have had ( CNN forecasts notwithstanding) it should be a wonderful occasion ! Since the bowlers of our club have been extremely prolific in delivering results in key games, a club bowling night may also be on the cards so the batsmen can show their skills off. 

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